The lovely Lesley Roy was a firm fan favourite with her 2020 Eurovision entry Story of My Life and we are a little gutted we never got to experience that track live. Thankfully Lesley is back to represent Ireland in Rotterdam with her new song Maps. The track is written by Emelie Eriksson, Lukas Hällgren, Philip Strand and Lesley.
With a chorus that sees the Irish star sing “I’ve been searching all the wrong places, I’ve been trying too many faces, Only one way to go, This is the way back home,” the song sings of the strong link we have with the places we come from and the people that surround us. After the sombre year 2020 has been, this song of positivity, celebration and identity is a wonderful tonic. Anthemic, up-tempo production from Lesley, Philip and Lukas ensures that this will be a stand-out in the contest.
You can connect with Lesley on her social channels: Twitter, Instagram. Watch the video for her entry above.