Music: Nichelle Nichols – Pop Icon?

We’ve been waiting for an excuse to discuss our intense love for Nichelle Nichols for quite some time now, and with the release of Star Trek Into Darkness tomorrow – this seems to be the perfect time. Nichelle made her name playing Lieutenant Uhura in the classic Star Trek television and film series. However, we much prefer Nichelle for her alternative work in the world of music.

1967 saw Nichelle capitalise on the success of Star Trek and release Down to Earth a collection of standards, which don’t get us wrong is perfectly nice. However it was 1991 when Nichelle released Out of This World – a collection of dance, pop and soul numbers centered around the concept of Star Trek.

Out of This World is a delight to connoisseurs of trash, but will most likely disgust your average Star Trek fan. Everything down from the marvelously sleazy cover to cheap sentimental ballads about Gene Roddenberry is a true delight. We’d go as far as to say the title track is a camp masterpiece, showcasing Nichelle’s smooth vocals against synth-pop instrumentation. Stunning! Now if only George Takei would make a slutty dance album.

You can hear You’re Out Of This World in all its glory below.

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