Film ReviewsFilm Review: Amy Seimetz’s ‘She Dies Tomorrow’Amy Seimetz returns with her first feature as writer-director since 2012’s haunting debut Sun Don’t By Culture Fix / 24 August 2020
Film Film Festivals ReviewsEIFF 2015 Review: ManglehornFresh from the excellent Nicolas Cage starring Joe, director David Gordon Green provides a similarly By Culture Fix / 26 June 2015
Film Reviews TrailersTrailer: Al Pacino in ManglehornAfter a brief blip which saw him star in a certain dubious production (ahem, Jack By Culture Fix / 15 May 2015
Film ReviewsReview: Jennifer Aniston in CakeIt’s harshest critics have suggested that Cake mainly served as a vehicle to get Jennifer By Culture Fix / 19 February 2015
Film Film Festivals ReviewsEIFF Review: Palo AltoJames Franco’s short story anthology, Palo Alto, gets streamlined for the big-screen with Gia Coppola By Culture Fix / 19 June 2014