EdFringe 2019 Review: Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand

Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand 

Rating: ★★★★
Venue: theSpace@ Surgeon’s Hall

Spanish Performance Art company Enebro Productions bring Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand to the Edinburgh Fringe. Written and directed by Indalecio Corugedo and performed by Daniel Miguelanez and David Pereira, Lorca blends passionate poetry with sublime acrobatics to explore the work of iconic Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca.

Performers Pereira and Miguelanez stand on stage discussing the work of Lorca – exploring the meaning and poignancy behind his texts. With heartfelt poetry and delicate acrobatic gymnastic performance, Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand is a gently affecting, romantic piece of theatre.

Basing much of the routine around Lorca’s The Public (El Publico or The Audience) – Pereira and Miguelanez explore the rich romantic symbolism and erotic longing of the obscure play. Corugedo’s adaptation dips into The Public’s deconstruction of Romeo & Juliet and the misconceptions found in the Shakespeare classic. Pereira and Miguelanez verbally joust through Lorca’s text with a convincing ease. The Public is also a play that progressively features gay lovers and Pereira and Miguelanez shine in capturing the heated, romantic dynamic between the two men.

David Pereira’s routines are stunning packing beautiful finesse and style into his movements. With an impressive physique and a heartfelt delicacy, he moves gracefully across the stage. A sole prop of a shopping trolley brings a new style of movement to the fold and showcases the unique staging director Corugedo employs. These absorbing movements paired with Daniel Miguelanez’s passionate delivery of Lorca’s work produces an intoxicating aesthetic result. Miguelanez reads with the raw, fiery spirit that so many of Lorca’s pieces should be read with.

Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand comes to a beautiful close with a stunning routine to Leonard Cohen’s Take This Waltz. Cohen’s gravitas-soaked voice, paired with this same-sex dance pairing brings a bespoke new beauty to the song.

Lorca: A Theatre Beneath the Sand Is an elegant, romantic blend of physical theatre, drama and poetic performance. Pereira and Miguelanez command the stage with their passionate performances, whilst channeling the poignancy of Lorca’s rich, imagery filled words.

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