EdFringe 2018 Review: Bugle Boys – A Salute to the Andrews Sisters

Bugle Boys: A Salute to the Andrews Sisters
Rating: ★★★

Venue: Assembly Hall – Rainy Hall

High camp hi-jinks ensue in Bugle Boys: A Salute to the Andrews Sisters – a dragged-up love letter to the singing sweethearts of the thirties and forties. Ewan James Armstrong, Martin Maclellan and Tom Harlow don the faux military gear and get into character as slightly lewder versions of the saccharine sweet easy listening stars.

The three drag artistes tackle famous anthems like Bei Mir Bist Du Schön (Means That You’re Grand), Rum and Coca Cola, Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, and Pistol Packin’ Mamma with a vocal competence – and are accompanied by strong musical direction from Chris Gorman. The skilled performers managed to get the crowd going with some light audience interaction and their natural fun dynamic.

Maclellan’s Patty takes the straight man role, whilst Harlow’s LaVerne and Armstrong’s Maxene – exchange acidic jibes throughout most of the production. Maclellan traces The Andrews Sisters rise to prominence, whilst LaVerne vamps it up and Maxene drinks heavily. There is a little added edge and humour in this scrappy, crude depiction of the musical sweethearts, yet that is not to say all the gags land. Much of the humour misses the mark and feels predictable in its own old school drag approach – however, that is not to say that it won’t be enjoyed by some audience members.

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