Nineteen year old Danish newcomer RoseeLu delivers her first single of 2021, Playing Alone, a track which brings classic nineties pop-rock sounds to the forefront, blending them with lush contemporary production from Ole Bjórn. With an anthemic chorus, charismatic vocal presence, and atmospheric melodies, RoseeLu delights with an impeccable slice of pop.
The singer notes “I have always been soul searching and contemplating with my inner self, where both good and bad rules. From a very young age, I learned that if anybody should have a chance to understand me, I needed to express my exact feelings instead of acting like an erupting volcano and exposing my vulnerability, which usually leads to misunderstandings. I write songs to get my unprocessed feelings out in the open and to clear my head. I hope that my songs can help others to process their feelings and emotional state.”
It’s clear that the track has a powerful resonance to RoseeLu, whilst also drawing on her own musical influences of nineties alt-pop. The singer adds: “Playing Alone’ is my appeal to those who thinks kids are wrong if they-like me-are not into commercial toys and football trading cards, but are totally fine contemplating with themselves in their own company–which is OK and super healthy.”
You can connect with RoseeLu here. Stream Playing Alone above.