It feels far too long ago, that we last sang the praises of future greatest film of all time, The Paperboy. Whilst the rest of the world are all lapping up the greatness of Lee Daniels’ first feature since Precious, us Brits are sat with gleeful anticipation.
Fortunately, in order to help us contain ourselves until the March 15th 2013 release date (Yes, that long), Lionsgate have kindly uploaded UK exclusive theatrical trailer. This trailer seems to have embraced the trashiness and amped up the pulpy, southern feel of it Daniels’ film – from Nicole Kidman’s leg spreading audition for Basic Instinct 3 to the gratuitous Zac Efron body shots.
The Paperboy will be a trash classic. Just look at this still from the trailer below – attempting to establish some credibility – ‘Powerful… Tense… Nicole Kidman flashing…” We’ve embedded the new UK trailer below for you to watch on repeat, every day until March 15th.