The late Tom Clancy’s most iconic hero, Jack Ryan, receives his fifth big screen adventure in Kenneth Branagh’s reboot titled Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. Chris Pine follows in the footsteps of Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck – who have all put their individual stamp on Clancy’s CIA analyst.
Shadow Recruit follows Jack Ryan as he uncovers a Russian plot to destroy the US economy. Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, and Keira Knightley co-star.
We’re pretty confident that Pine and Branagh are the right creative team to craft a Jack Ryan that has a shot at getting his own coherent and successful film-franchise (the closest we’ve had is Harrison Ford’s two-film stint). Either way, it’s always a pleasure to see Chris Pine on the big screen so chances are you won’t hear too many complaints from us.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit is down for a Boxing Day 2013 release.
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