Trailer: Ethan Hawke in Predestination

We always like it when an actor can blend classy cinematic fare with fun genre outings. Once such star is Ethan Hawke who is currently basking in the warmth of swooning Boyhood reviews. Last year Hawke starred in both one of the highest and one of the lowest rated films of 2013. We’re hoping that Hawke’s upcoming Predestination won’t falter to a similar fate as Getaway – but you can never be sure.

Predestination chronicles the life of a time-travelling temporal agent (who stops crimes before they occur). On his final assignment, he must pursue the one criminal that has eluded him throughout time. Ethan Hawke takes the lead here, reteaming with directors The Spierig Brothers (Daybreakers).
From the trailer it looks like Predestination is going to be a surprisingly intelligent slice of science fiction. Plus, it seems like the period setting adds an interesting twist to the genre so we are curious to see how that works out.

Predestination hits cinemas later this year.

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